Your Personalized Program

The goals of your personalized health counseling program are to radically improve your life, resolve concerns specific to you and your body, and to provide you with tools for a lifetime of balance. We will work together to find the right foods for your body, and to balance Primary Food - the areas of your life that feed you on the deepest levels. This unique approach provides meaningful, lasting results.

Your Program covers... Personalized Programs from Concord Health

  • Setting goals
  • Dealing with cravings
  • Taking consistent action
  • Food counseling
  • Making simple lifestyle changes
  • Being healthy on the road and on the go
  • Improving personal relationships & communication
  • Integrating new, better food into your diet
  • Making better food choices at work and on the go
  • Getting support from others
  • Creating lasting balance
  • Ease in cooking
  • Awareness when eating and in life
  • Menu planning

Like most of us, you have probably tried a variety of diets, and  may even have managed to do well on some for a few weeks or even months. However, the emphasis that most diets place on willpower, deprivation and denial is both unnecessary and counterproductive. Unless you have a plan that is practical, works with your lifestyle, and takes your individuality into account, the changes you have worked so hard to make will not last. My expertise is in helping you to figure out what works best for you.

Your Program includes...

  • Two, one-hour sessions a month, including detailed recommendations
  • Group seminars and classes covering a variety of health related topics
  • E-mail support between sessions
  • Books, CDs, handouts, and other materials
  • Food samples and self-care products
  • A monthly newsletter
  • Access to my amazing lending library of health and wellness books

Conventional dietary theories present you with food restrictions and limitations that are difficult to sustain over time. Such quick fixes do nothing to help you achieve life-long health and happiness, nor do they bring out the body's natural inclination toward balance. Based on your needs, I will gradually introduce new and healthful foods and activities into your lifestyle. As you start to feel better, these habits will have a natural tendency to remain with you, and will crowd out the less healthful ones.

In becoming healthier, other areas of your life such as relationships, career and creativity start to improve. You will naturally begin to crave the foods and activities that make you feel better, and you will feel more motivated to make time in your life for those things that are truly important to you.

In our free initial consultation we will discuss your unique situation in depth and determine how I can help you reach your personal goals. We will determine whether we are a good match and if this approach will work for you. This first session will demonstrate how a holistic, individualized approach can make a major difference in your life.

Contact me today to schedule your free consultation.